"Wearing Lorca's Bowtie" is a sincere, impressionistic, sometimes static, yet often powerful portrait of the lonesomeness of life in New York City. Backstage Magazine
“Wearing Lorca’s Bowtie,” a mood piece inspired by the writings of Federico García Lorca, features scenes in Spanish and English, but nothing said in either language makes as much of an impact as the quiet images in this impressionistic show. The New York Times
"The musical values were high all around and the storytelling was effective. (...) The work was directed by Ignacio Garcia-Bustelo. It was a most enjoyable evening that left us wanting more." Voce di Meche
"(...) There were some incredibly beautiful moments in the play that gave me a new perspective on live and, in my book, that is good theater." Stacy Karyn, Hear the People Sing
"La dirección, de Ignacio García-Bustelo, trabajada y notable. Con excelente transición entre las 13 escenas (recortadas de las 16 originales) y una fuerza en la representación que va de menos a más, como el propio guión." Achtung! Magazine
"Los cinco casos en forma de monólogos presentados en el texto de Juan Diego Botto y que dirige brillantemente (y también actúa), Ignacio García-Bustelo, son solo una aguja en un pajar, todos con un común denominador: un ansia insaciable de justicia." Impacto Latino)